How to Prepare for your QHH Session
*Prepare a list of questions you would like your subconscious (Higher Self or however you term the collective consciousness we are tapping into) to answer. Make one list of physical/health questions you have and another separate list of personal/life questions you want answered. Bring these with you to your session. We don’t need to see them ahead of time. If you have a long list of questions please put your most important questions at the top of each list. Our goal is to get every question answered but we work with a two hour window where you are hypnotized. In that time frame we are inducing you, exploring past lives, and accessing your Higher Self to answer questions and then bringing you out.

*Your intention to having a great session is key! Once you have made the decision to have a QHHT session, already your Higher Self is preparing and getting ready to have a wonderful conversation with you. Your conscious self needs to be reminded that it will be taking a back seat in this experience. The conscious self is seen as the ‘stupid self’ because it thinks it knows everything (ego) and really knows very little. Start repeating to yourself several times a day that you connect to your subconscious easily. Note: not that you WILL but that you DO.

*If you meditate, do so the morning or day of your appointment to help clear your mind. If you don’t meditate, then do something that puts you in a calm place like taking a walk or listening to some soothing music.

*The night before & the day of your session don’t drink alcohol. Eliminate or limit your use of caffeine the day of your session. If you normally have 3 cups of coffee in the morning, try just having one.

*Eat well but light before you come in. Our session could go 4 hours or longer.

*Your session will be audio-recorded. You may remember some, all or nothing of your session while you were hypnotized so a recording is great and actually important to your process after we meet. The more you hear yourself, the more easily the changes can stick. If you have your own recording device, feel free to bring it.

*Your session is a private session. Even though spouses/partners/friends want to be with you to witness this amazing event it is a place where you need to feel completely safe that your confidentiality in all matters is observed. Because of this, no one else is allowed in your session. You may share your recording or any memories or thoughts at your discretion.

*You will be guided to 1-3 past lives. Your subconscious picks which ones to show you so that you can best understand and answer the questions you have. Once we are finished looking at your past lives we will bring forth your subconscious. THIS IS WHERE THE REAL MAGIC OCCURS! I can personally tell you that to ‘be in’ the energy of your subconscious is like being in Divine Love, it is big!!! Your subconscious and I will go through your list of questions and in most cases get answers for each one!
*I have been trained by Dolores Cannon who has perfected her Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique process for over 45 years.

*We personally have witnessed physical and emotional healing and watched as a clients struggles were made understandable and then dissipated & has allowed them to move on in their life in a much happier and healthier way. Please note that your practitioner is not doing the healing. YOU are healing yourself in this guided experience.

*The power of this experience is that it is YOU telling YOU what the root causes and issues are and how the healing is occurring. I am only the facilitator and your assistant in this process.

Our intention is to assist you to receive the information you seek so that you can have a very happy and focused life. I will do everything in my power to work for your greater good.
How to prepare for your QHH session written by Suzanne Spooner and Susan Thomas